Spring has definitely sprung! This weekend was proof of that.....on Saturday Pam changed around a few runs to be able to go volunteer at a local race- the Doug Woods XC 5k race in Northport. So we set out on our run early in the morning, at 5 am on Saturday morning......Yes, we got to see the sun rise with our run! We ran past a friends house from the Northport Running Club and Pam tried to get me to howl to wake her up but as Pam said before the run I had to be quiet because it was so early! So she ended up howling in front of the house to try to get me to howl instead (Pam is quieter than I when she howls!) Basically only I heard her!......But if someone was outside they could have had laugh!

headed up to St James where we found ALL the surrounding fire departments to be gathering for some reason in Nesconset. When we got to the St James FD, Pam stopped for a bathroom break, then we continued on to the start of the St James 5 mile course- when we got to the start we were at 6 miles, exactly! So we ran the course hitting the hills, going up Corwood Road (a 1/2 mile UPHILL, CURVY road!) and then we continued on for 1/2 mile then turned around and headed back the other way on the course, headed down Corwood Rd, we came across a fabulous fellow runner who is definitely improving and an award winning Long Island runner in her group, April Matarasso Rosequist, she was showing off her winter legs in her shorts- her legs were thankful for the Vitamin D they soaked in from the sun though, she was running with a friend of hers! (I wanted to run over to her mid step and give her kiss but Pam held me back so no one got hurt, I did howl hello though!) About 1/2 mile past that point, we ran into a SUPER Terrific Long Island runner who wins countless races across Long Island overall......Kathleen Callahan Fodor, once again I was held back from giving kisses to her as well, so no one was hurt.......BUT I said Hello (Pam, cannot talk over me so I have to say Hello for the both of us! HEHEHEHE.......)
Once we got back to the St James FD we were at 15 miles, so Pam stopped once again to use the bathroom before continuing on.....she told me she wished she was a dog so that she could just go on the run and have her human pickup after her! (YES, Pam always picks up after me (and the rest of my pack!)
Next week, we will be running another 20 miles on Saturday.......and we will be running the same course, of course we will be running the St James 5 mile race (as a run not racing it- Pam likes this race for the tshirt- hey, it's St James (part of Smithtown), you see part of the course (the gates on the shirt are part of the actual course), and it's great because the fire house dog is running on the shirt!.....What better shirt for Pam who's Twitter handle is theDogRunner, I mean hello she runs with the big dogs right!?!?!??!?!
I have to mention the book we coauthored with the rest of the pack, "Get Your Leash On!" available on Amazon......During the month of July a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Kent Animal Shelter, in the next week the ebook version will be back up as well as another version! So check it out!
My blogs will be everyday in May as well, so tune in everyday in May to check out my exciting training adventures, more photos and videos are on their way, I will get Pam to bring her camera out with us!.....You may see Benji in some of the blogs as well, as he has been joining us lately, Monty maybe joining us for a run or two as well!......
On that note,
See ya soon,
Scout and Pam
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