As time draws nearer and nearer to the Doggy Dash, Pam and I are still training for our race. Today we are going out for a nice 25 min tempo run, and some hill repeats.
We will then continue our training on Thursday with a 12 min run at a "race" pace. Then this weekend we will be switching around our long run and easy run to stimulate our race weekend schedule.
In other words we will be running 3 miles on Saturday, then run the 5 mile course in Central Park on Sunday, preceded by a drive into the city for the run. We may be sure we know where the hotel is for packet pickup and our briefing as well, it's been awhile since Pam and Skyler have been there! Hey, I'm not worried though, I know I can always sniff and "scout" it out!
We have changed the challenged I mentioned in my last blog we will be doing a SPECIAL 7 day challenge, and it will be starting on Sunday! We are revamping the challenges and changing the facebook page in the meantime to make sure everyone can truly participate with their beloved best friend(s).
Ok, during this week we will be talking about the challenge and getting ready and set to really make a go for the health of ALL team members who join along! Ya ready, ya getting ready?!?!?!? We are getting ready for it all!
On that note, Pam and I need to literally get running,
Until tomorrow have a happy tail waggin' day,
Challenge up,
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