It is time to sound the gun and let the games begin (ok, please do not actually set off a gun as I am a dog and dogs do not like and are sensitive to loud noises!
As I reported in yesterdays blog, today's training is 40 minutes of Cross Training, we run tomorrow......As Pam trains her core, I will do the same. I will help Pam with her lying leg raises, floor crunches, side crunches, Russian twists, and planks! And then Pam will be helping me out with some downhill/ uphill walking, a happy butt dance, paw power, standing on the stability ball, three legged stand, rocking on, rolling over, tug of war, stretching up and taking a bow, and sit up and beg.
We have our training set for us and then we'll be ready for tomorrow's workout when we once again run! For all those joining us......let's ((bang)) get started! Yes that was the proverbial gun from up above......we have officially started begun our training!
Until tomorrow,
have a happy tail waggin' day,
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