Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Running long in the week.......

April 28,2015-

Today we ran 12 miles....why is it whenever we run long there are rarely ever any bagels for me?!??!?!....Thankfully I got my treats at home....I have to give accolades to my Veternarian for being open and having water waiting for us. When we got to the Vet office, we were at 9.5 miles or so and dying for something to drink. (I also could have had some treats there but I didn't ask Pam for anything other than water.....silly me, I could've gotten some treats!

I have to give mention to my hydrators of all! Oh,just in case they didn't find out I think we got the last of the water out of the bottle......so I ask you to please replace the water for tomorrow, if you do not get a chance to do before we get there tomorrow, ask Pam to replace the bottle she can do it!

So anyway, while I was there I got on the scale, I was standing nice and still when Pam looked on the scale it said 34.6.....this could not be in pounds.....then again if we convert than into pounds from kilograms than would be around 76 pounds.....hhmmmm.....I am wondering now, is this all muscle, could I weigh this much at all......is it correct?.....or is the scale broken?......I know I run a lot and I am building up muscle BUT I hope to find out on Friday when I have my appointment just how much I really weigh?!?!?!.....Oh, if we do in fact come in for water tomorrow, I would like to see my correct weight......maybe we can find out before Friday.....anyway......
When we got back home I took over the bed and rested until later when Benji and I took Pam out for a really short .25 mile walk.....just to get Benji's walk in.....
Now, I am resting......and getting ready for tomorrows 8 mile run......we are debating where to run right now.....so tune on in to find where we decide.
 Don't forget about our fundraiser for the shelter that helped me find my furever home!
You can help us help them out (did I just go all Jerry Maguire on you all there?!?!?).....anyway click on these links and you can buy our book- in fact, we will start instead of just the month of May- we will extend it from April 15 to May 24th and with every book sold we will donate a portion of the proceeds to Kent Animal Shelter......
 Hard copy version:
EBook Version:
 To make a donation to Kent Animal Shelter go to out Crowdrise fundraiser page here:
Have a tail waggin' day and I'll see you tomorrow,
Scout and Pam

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